
My very favorites of Illusia (in order of age):

1day01 day102 Baby Illusia 006 Tiny Sweetheart BC2 BC1 NL1 princess of hearts princess of hearts 02 softlips tJOY cloudwalkers4 SLEEPING-DOVE princess Relax cutie pie afterbath05 Denim Baby Pink Spots It's Fall Baby colorfulworld fairy day fairyday2 battyness swingingchic 2 swingingchic happyblue 7monthcutie 036 Christmas Day 01 Merry Baby Work it, baby Dress Eater Belly Laugh blueandgreen irish gaze Explorer Flower bud TUGOFWAR bday princess Princess Party Tutu Maker twistandshout ladybug rider Window Poise. Window Shadows eyes&teeth Ahhh Bare Gaze Bath of Glitter