I know two posts in two days, what is going on? Well, last Saturday we went to Riverfest, which is a huge event here in Wichita. I was waiting until I had all the images to post and now I do! Illusia had a lot of fun making a 'hurt' teddy bear well at the teddy bear clinic, getting a beary cool tattoo, meeting Clifford: the big red dog, playing with an ever-fascinating balloon, buying some goodies like a cardboard fairy tales book and pink cat puppet and getting our picture taken all professional like together, for free!!
I look so horrible and makeupless, blah! But, Illusia is such a cutie so I still love the picture to pieces despite my horrid-ness. If you could find it in your hearts to please vote for us in Kindred Reflections - Most Popular Mom Contest it would mean a lot, as the winner gets $120.00 dollars and we could SO use that right now! Plus it would be awesome to win something cool, ever, in my life. lol. The image or link under it take you to the correct page and all you have to do is comment on the photo on facebook and it counts as a vote!